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Here at the Joy Network Church we believe in the power of real life testimonies. Many people from all walks of life come to the Joy Network Church for many reasons, those reasons are to  build a new life in Jesus and to grow in a church that strengthens their faith, then there are those that come for healing, deliverance and salvation.


My Story of Freedom

Many people get caught looking in the New Age to find answers for their hurt and to find healing.


Opening the door to the new age, I had no idea the havoc it would cause in my life.


In 2009 someone had told me to end my life because I stood up for my child. I went through a difficult time which led to a breakdown. 


My childhood was very stressful and difficult, and I had to endure a lot more than most people could handle. Strong words were often enough to push me over the edge. Unfortunately, I never learned to stand up for myself, which made it easier for the enemy to gain access to my life; satan wanted my life.


I was given a book, "How To Hear Your Angels" by Doreen Virtue (renowned New Ager). It seemed like a light and generic book, (satan's greatest weapon is the enticing fluffy material) but this book took me onto a path I wouldn’t get off until March of this year, until Jesus Christ saved me.


I tried everything in the New Age to heal me, it just took me further into a place of disassociation believing in things that I now know satan has placed in so many people's way to stop them from getting free. I had an anti-Christ spirit, and religious people I found it troubling. 


March 2023, I lost all my pride as I came to know Jesus as Lord and Saviour of my life. All my pride was gone and the lord is here to set us free.


I thank God for Joy Network Church - Pastor Hylton and Bek, they spent many hours pouring into me and ministering deliverance. It is a walk now which I'm grateful to be on. 


My Story of freedom

Neutral Elegant Feminine Photo Introduct
My name is Sarita,  I'm 34 years old. I met Pastor Selwyn last year at one of his meetings in the Sunshine coast, he then invited me to the Sunnybank meeting where I was freed from the spirit of python. After that I starting coming to Joy Network Church around September/October 2022, I have since enrolled for the Discipleship course that I highly recommend not just for new christians but everyone. I have noticed a significant growth in my faith and walk with Jesus since I started coming to Joy Network.
About a month ago I was standing in line for prayer God reminded me of a time in 2010 when I studied beauty therapy a lecturer used me to demonstrate reiki healing on for the class, that year I started getting sick a lot and since then it was like this never ending cycle of one sickness after the other. I also started experiencing insomnia and struggled to fall asleep.
When Pastor Hylton prayed for me the kundalini demon manifested and I was set free. Since then I have been sleeping better, my mind is more clear, I don’t have to shuffle out of the door at the end of a shift anymore as I don’t get the lower back pain Praise Jesus!! I also have noticed I don’t randomly choke anymore when my throat gets a little dry. I am not as tired all the time now. I have also been able scaled down on some of my medication like melatonin to help me fall asleep and medication for fibro type pain. 

My Story of freedom

My name is Danielle, I'm 44 years old and I spent 34 years practicing New Age: tarot cards, medium readings, and seances. 


I lost the love of my life, my son's father in a car accident which led me to be far from GOD & and not knowing who JESUS is.

For 22 years of my life, I was on anti-depressants and drugs. I was extremely suicidal; most days I would wake up only wanting to end it all.

The year 2020  was when things shifted for me when I met Pastor Hylton from Joy Network Church. I went through deliverance and evil spirits  were cast out of me.

I came to know Jesus is our lord and saviour. Pastor Hylton ministered to me about the saving grace of God. I've been off  antidepressants for over 2 years; I no longer have suicidal thoughts and been clean off drugs for over 12 months.


My beautiful 19 year old also has a mother who has been set-free.

I now wake up every day grateful for a fresh start, now my life has changed in so many ways.

I'm very thankful I met  Pastor Hylton and those from Joy Network Church who were part of my journey. The warmth, love and genuine care has been wonderful.

If you are in need of deliverance, healing; a church you can call home, come to Joy Network at Tweed Heads. 

My Story Of Freedom 

I am so grateful that I have found this amazing church.
The leaders here are very loving and supportive.
I really feel nurtured, accepted, and never judged in any way.
I can testify that I have personally seen other people being set free.

I myself was heavily tormented by evil spirits that were affecting my life because I got involved in witchcraft when

I was seeking answers in the New Age realm.

Through the power of Jesus, I have received massive freedom as I worked through all the layers of “stuff” affecting my life.


I am now part of the team in this church where. I'm helping and witnessing so many come and receive their healing and freedom.

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