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Our healing service is a time for worship, prayer, and solid teaching on God's Word followed by a time of pray for breakthrough and healing in the lives of those in need. We have experienced powerful moments of God's presence and  miraculous healings in these services.

If you are in need of healing, we invite you to join us on the last Sunday of every month at 4:00 PM. Come expecting God to move in your life and bring freedom and restoration.

We believe that God is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, and we have seen Him work miracles in the lives of those who come with faith and expectation. Come and experience the power of God at our deliverance and healing evening service.




 And a certain women who had been healed of evil spirits and infirmities - Mary Called Magdalene, out of whom came seven demons spirit.

Luke 8:2


How Can We help?

Please feel free to contact us.

We are here to assist you with any information you may need and to help schedule your deliverance session.

Thanks for submitting!

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