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In Scripture it clearly shows us that Jesus Christ has really come to free us from all kinds of deep emotional pain and the wounds of our soul and mind that can be healed.


 Psalms 23:3    He restores my soul, he leads me in the paths of righteousness for His name's sake.

 Psalms 147:7   He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds.

 3 John 1:2        Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers. 


In the context of a deliverance  there are times where people first need counselling and inner healing before we can even look into whether a person really needs a deliverance. Below are some of the area's that we take in consideration before even attempting a deliverance.


From experience and working with very complex cases we have discovered that demonic entities can hide behind traumas, mental illnesses, abuse and childhood wounds where a person unfortunately has had to suffer or go through.


People that have been in cults have often been exposed to occult techniques such as satanic ritual abuse were they induce an alter-ego to form in the mind as a means to control their followers. Buy a word, smell or even music can trigger that alter ego personalty to do things that the core person would not normally do. Another form to this kind of programming is called MK ALTER or mind control > This is a very specialised kind of Ministry that not many are equiped or even understand how to help a person that has come through this kind of pain. Traditional deliverance will not work in most cases due to the programming and specific ritual and covenants that have been performed.   




Illness like schizophrenia and other kinds of metal disorders are not always a result of demonic spirits and in some cases we send people to qualified professionals who work in this filed. Not everything is caused by demonic spirits but if an evil spirit is causing this illness we will discover it very quickly,  we work with psychologist and counsellors as a team to help the person become free. its not just a simple religious Jesus prayer that will restore these kinds of illnesses. Jesus gave us all authority but we have to appropriate that in a precise and focused area under the guidance of the holy spirit.


What is DID / MPD


DID is diagnosed as Disassociation Identity Disorder or Multiple Personalty Disorder (MPD)  DID is created in the mind of a person,  which is caused from trauma, Sexual abuse or any kind of trauma that has affected you.

Trauma can cause your mind to fragment or even cause poly fragmentation.

Disassociate ( DID) is a coping (mechanism) It's not a metal illness The human mind has a way of trying to protect the core person by locking away the memories and traumas.

The devil takes advantage of these situations, It is  the work of the Holy Spirit who reveals and uncovers the secret workings of the demonic kingdom. It is the power of our Lord Jesus Christ that free's us. 


How do we do that?

This is done by the leading of the Holy Spirit through specific inner healing prayer through the power of Jesus Christ.





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