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Child safety is everything to us as a church, there is nothing more important than child safety. All children attending the Joy Network Church are under our care so we take this as a very serious and important responsibly. Families and children should know there rights and be able to feel free to express themselves.  Please view our child safety polices below. 


Our Children's Church focuses on teaching kids about the love of God and the teachings of Jesus in a fun and engaging way. Through interactive lessons, games, and activities, we help children develop a strong foundation of faith and understanding of biblical principles. It's important for kids to have a solid spiritual education at a young age, as it shapes their beliefs and values for the rest of their lives.


Our ministry provides a nurturing environment where kids can grow in their relationship with God and connect with other children in the church community. Join us as we guide children on their journey of faith and help them discover the joy of knowing and serving God.


Matthew 19:14 Jesus said, "let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these."


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